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Community Link Service
Community Link workers connect people to resources and services within their local communities with the aim of improving mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Community Link workers work alongside GP’s, Practice staff and a wide range of local agencies to support service users to link into meaningful community networks and activities which will enhance their self-management skills build resilience and sense of personal wellbeing. RAMH Community Link Workers are in all GP practices across East Renfrewshire. Appointments are scheduled through your GP's reception.
Who we support
People referred by GPs and Practice staff who are; Lonely, isolated or excluded Mild to moderate depression and/or anxiety Vulnerable and at-risk groups people with long-term and enduring mental health problems.
What type of support?
Person is offered up to 4 x 45 mins appointments. The first appointment focuses on finding out more about the person and supporting them to identify ways they can improve their lives. Using a social prescribing model 'A mechanism for linking patients with a non-medical source of support within the community', The following appointments look at resources and activities in the community that the person can access to facilitate these changes.
Access this service by contacting your local GP practice.