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Develop skills and experience to improve opportunities for employment, training or a move back into education.

RAMH Employability Support offers support for individuals over 16 who are experiencing mental health problems, to focus on improving and developing their skills and experience to improve opportunities for employment. If you are in work, considering returning to work, looking for support to find work for the first time or are thinking about further education, training or volunteering, we offer a range of supports to help you achieve your goals.
We do this by providing:
- Personal profiling / person centred planning
- Confidence building, anxiety management
- Signposting for appropriate additional supports, such as: benefits advice, financial management and advocacy services
- Job search skills
- CV drafting
- Completing application forms
- Interview preparation
- Support to access further education, training or volunteering
- Support to sustain employment
Email enquiries@ramh.org to discuss the service further.

Make a referral to RAMH today
Refer into our services by completing a referral form or call 0141 847 8900 to refer over the phone.