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Mental Health Forum
Our Connecting Up group gives us you a chance to discuss mental health.

ACUMEN (Advancing Community Understanding of Mental & Emotional Needs) is the arm of RAMH that promotes using lived experience to better both mental health services and individuals' wellbeing.
ACUMEN is looking for people with lived experience of mental health across Argyll and Bute, Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, and Inverclyde to help to increase levels of involvement in groups discussions, meetings, and partnerships in your local area.
People can take part in a number of different activities, including running focus groups, attending meetings, doing presentations, working alongside services and people who use services. Involvement can also have a positive impact on people by boosting their skills and confidence, which can lead to other opportunities such as training and employment.
- Do you believe that people have a right to be heard?
- Do you believe that people should be valued and respected?
- Do you believe that people should have ownership of the services they use?
- Do you want to be an active contributor to these goals?
Connecting Up
Twice a month, on Tuesdays at 3-4.15pm, we provide an opportunity for people across Argyll & Bute, Inverclyde, Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire to join us on Zoom to discuss a range of mental health related topics and support each other by sharing how we are feeling and what is helping to keep is well. This is our Connecting Up group.
For more information on how to join, please email enquiries@acumennetwork.org

Make a referral to RAMH today
Refer into our services by completing a referral form or call 0141 847 8900 to refer over the phone.