
Recovery Across Mental Health

RAMH supports people in their recovery from mental ill health.


About RAMH

RAMH promotes recovery from mental ill health, and empowers people to build independent, fulfilled lives.

We offer a range of free, confidential services which provide:

  • Immediate support in crisis situations for residents aged 16 and over in Renfrewshire
  • Individualised care and practical support to people in their own homes
  • One to one counselling sessions with a qualified counsellor
  • Employability support to help individuals gain or maintain employment and/or volunteering opportunities
  • A range of social, creative, therapeutic, educational and physical activity groups
  • Support to family, friends, carers and the wider community through information and education

RAMH Wellbeing Map

A user-led map for anyone looking to view what resources are nearby. Whether it's finding a new favourite spot to walk or cycle, escaping in a book from your local library or more practical support and advice on things like health and money, there are lots of places to visit that keep us well.

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Latest news

Download a No Substitute For Life team registration form

September 14, 2021

No Substitute For Life, our annual memorial football tournament held in Ferguslie, Renfrewshire, returns on October 10th. The tournament is held to celebrate the memory of those we have lost to suicide. This is a 7-aside tournament for ALL, to raise awareness of suicide and show support for all those looking for help and advice…

RAMH Steering Group needs you!

August 19, 2021

We are looking for more RAMH service users to join our steering group that meets 2pm on the first Tuesday of every month over Zoom. This is a space for you to give us vital feedback and shape the work we do in the future. We’re looking for people who are excited to share their…

53 year late library book donation to go towards RAMH Cookalong

August 6, 2021

The copy of Mrs Balbir Singh’s Indian Cookery was returned to the library anonymously with £20 included within it’s pages, presumably pre-empting  what would be a hefty late fine. As Renfrewshire Leisure are not imposing fines for the returns of overdue books, the money was chosen to be donated to RAMH. Since it is a…

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